Regenerative Backyard Gardening

Our friends ron finley and rosario dawson explain how you can make your home garden regenerative in this new video premiere from kiss the ground and green america.

Regenerative backyard gardening. Regenerative gardens can help reverse global warming by restoring soil health. And when all is said and done isn t that what we re all striving for. Regenerative gardening and sustainable gardening aim to improve soil biodiversity food quality and to trap carbon following methods of mother nature.

This time it s for the climate. Regenerative farming and gardening is about enhancing improving the land to produce health. Square foot gardening involves dividing the growing area into small square sections typically 1 foot per square.

Eric toensmeier estimates that his own tiny carbon rich backyard garden about a tenth of an acre can offset the carbon emissions of one american adult per year. Planting a garden has the power to change the world. Regenerative farming is often described as an effort to mimic.

Regenerative gardening is good for your health and the planet regenerative farming is pretty much what it sounds like. Building biological ecosystem diversity and restoring soil system energyvia inoculation. Perennials are a great place to start because they re easy to care for and stick around for years making it easier for carbon capturing organic matter to build up over time.

Using a raised bed for growing vegetables allows you to control the soil quality and prevent it from becoming compacted. A good starting point to learn more about regenerative growing is regeneration international. Our hands on programs and services teach people of all ages how to grow food through an affordable low maintenance organic method called regenerative gardening.

The key to regenerative agriculture is that it not only does no harm to the land but actually improves it using technologies that regenerate and revitalize the soil and the environment. The aim is to produce an intensively planted vegetable garden or a highly productive kitchen garden. We re bringing victory gardens back.

When you make your garden regenerative you can also help reverse global warming by restoring soil health. Increasing the carbon stored in soil helps to maximize photosynthesis so plants. From right in your backyard or front or patio or simple pot you have the ability to strengthening your own local food system.

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