Usa projects began in 1994.

Johnny grey studios. Architects building designers. Johnny grey studios design and architect kitchens interiors and outdoor rooms undertaking around 15 projects a year for clients around the world. Celebrating 40 years of kitchen design.

Johnny grey studios is a kitchen design and interior architecture studio based in the uk and us known for their world class hand made contemporary kitchens. A weekend escape for a busy family who come down to escape the city to enjoy their art collection garden and cook together. A modern country kitchen.

View i really want only two things i want a real kitchen and i want to die under the stars james salter. Read more about 40 years of kitchen design a. Johnny grey studios have worked for residential clients all over the world from ancona burgundy barbados cyprus jersey dublin melbourne mustique and rome to zurich.

347 likes 1 talking about this. The johnny grey difference. Our brief was to create a calm modern country kitchen that avoided cliches and to intrinsically link to the garden.

Many kitchens look a little generic. Johnny has been described as the world s best kitchen designer new york times and one of the top 100 hundred designers of the 20th century by house garden magazine. Johnny grey studios 40 years of kitchen design.

Johnny grey studios has designed kitchens since 1978. He heads a team of artisans that make fine bespoke cabinet makers who make curved freestanding furniture concrete structures ceramic tiles applied decorative and fine art. The design springs from my neuroscience research and is based on appealing to our hard wired needs our fundamental.

Even when bespoke they are mostly pre made units.

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