Companion Flowers For Vegetables

12 best herbs and flowers for companion planting with vegetables 1.

Companion flowers for vegetables. They repel the insanely. Plant pretty swiss chard as a border interspersed with these delicate low growing flowers. These plants relish being in the shade of sunflowers.

It helps with not scorching their delicate leaves. It s a big attractor of hover flies which are beneficial insects that control aphids says stross. Read our full article about companion planting to understand all the benefits.

14 flowers to companion plant in your vegetable garden bachelor s buttons. They repel garden pests. Bachelor s buttons are wonderful for attracting pollinators and beneficial bugs to your garden.

Pot marigolds to repel. Catmint to repel aphids colorado potato beetles and squash bugs check if it is invasive in your area. Borage to repel tomato hornworm.

My top 10 companion vegetables and salads to grow with sunflowers 1. Corn pole beans squash or pumpkin. All varieties of marigolds including pot marigolds calendula french and mexican tagates are among.

The strong scents of plants like lavender rosemary and mint for example can discourage grazing animals from snacking on nearby vegetables and nasturtiums which are a favorite of aphids can be used as bait plants to keep the pests off of your main crops. Chives along with onions are the ideal carrot companion planting choice. These fast growing plants have a bountiful supply of crop throughout the.

One of the few perennials on the list bee balm attracts bees to your garden as the name suggests.

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